My sister Ayie started a blog for my eight-month old nephew Elijah. I guess by now some of you have seen her (posing as Elijah) leaving a message on your shout box or a comment in one of your posts. I wonder if it’s a good thing. She’s addicted to Facebook as it is, and now she has another obsession: her baby’s blog. Yesterday was her first day of blogging, and while this might turn into a good thing if she perseveres enough to earn from blogging, I am having second thoughts about the length of time she spends in front of the computer now, engrossed in her Facebook account, her son’s Facebook account, and now her son’s blog. She’s not half as bad as I am, mind you. She clocks in only a couple or three hours a day in front of the computer, but that was how I started. A couple of hours in front of the desktop in the early days and then without knowing it, I am already clocking in at least eight hours in front of my computer nowadays. Oh well, I guess she needs to do something other than take care of her son. I seriously hope all this early addiction to the computer will result to her earning from it in the future.