It’s not a secret that my web host, encountered problems a while ago, which led to the inaccessibility of my site for around two days. I was very frustrated during that time (who wouldn’t be?) and have seriously thought of transferring to another web host. I have in fact, already have another host in mind, just in case the situation went longer to the point that I can’t stand it. I couldn’t afford to have my website down for very long, see. This is where I get part of my online earnings.
But they came around, like I secretly hope that they would. I have learned to become loyal to eWeb for their almost perfect uptime record for the year that I’ve been with them. I fell in love with their efficiency when it comes to servicing small sites like mine. I like the fact that they make me feel like I’m important to their business, and they listen to what I have to say. Up to now they haven’t had another downtime, and I have even upgraded my account last week, which says a lot about how I still trust them to maintain the great services that I’ve come to associate with them after that brief but dark episode.
5 Responses
Glad to know that the problem has been resolved already.
hi sis, just want to inquire if you have already talked with mommy sarah of unfailing love for her layout?
Just want to invite you too for my mother’s day celebration. I am featuring moms on that day, just answer the question and send it back to my email address.
yes. installed it already a few weeks back on her other blog.
Wow! You have a lot of paid reviews here! Can I ask how much webhosting fee you’re paying for one blog?
Php2,500 a year mommy for 1Gb of bandwidth 🙂