Bad Hair Day

My mom has wavy hair, and I inherited that from her. My hair has never been a part of me that I can brag about because besides being wavy, it’s also super thick. Anyone who knows me know that I’m anything but vain, so imagine the state of my hair right now. It’s a good thing Paulie trims it regularly, or my hair would be in a worse shape (if that’s even possible, considering how it looks now). We have a hair straightener at home, so sometimes when I’m not feeling lazy, I use it to make my hair look a bit nice. But that’s just sometimes, so it’s almost bad hair day everyday of the week for me. LOL.

I really think I look better with straight hair, and even paid for hair rebonding when I was still single. But now that my priorities are different, that activity does not even make my top twenty list. I also don’t think I will need to worry about hair transplant costs anytime in the future, what with the amount of hair I have right now, but I’m also pretty sure that if I experience hair loss, I might even be thankful for it. Less to worry about, right? Haha!

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One Response

  1. bad hair day ako everyday 😀 ewan kasi bat naniniwala pa ako sa mga adds about shampoos hindi naman gumaganda hair ko 😀 tulad nung s amga artista

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