Miss Reading

Since I’ve done nothing but read during my two-week vacation, I’ve somehow gotten used to reading a new book at least every other day. Ever since we got back, I haven’t finished a single book I’ve started, what with the backlog that I have to wade through and the limited time that I have in my hands right now because of the lack of somebody else (Paulie) to take care of Svet.

I planned to read the only Stephenie Meyer book that I haven’t read, The Host, but up to now it’s still a plan. This is one of those times when I wish I have more than two hands, or do not get tired, or have at least 40 hours a day to finish doing what I have to do. People waiting on me to finish my work for them is hell for me, and I don’t know if you can imagine what that does to my stress level.

I haven’t even been posting properly for all of my blogs, something that I should’ve been doing everyday. Augh. I do nothing but rant these days, no? Jeez. Must be hard to read my blogs nowadays. LOL.

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