Moving Out

In about two weeks, we will be transferring to another house. See, the one we live in now is a bit far from the main road, and it’s always a pain to go out of the house just to buy a thing or two from the nearest store (which is not-so near by the usual standards). I (actually, my mom found it first) found another house near the highway, a bit cheaper than our current house but a lot smaller. It’s actually just a shoebox, and I’m not exaggerating.

Even so, there will only be the three of us (me, Svet and Paulie) to live there and we don’t have a lot of stuff so space is not a problem. Plus the house is new (it’s not even finished yet. They are only mid-way construction. Tee hee), so that’s another plus. My mom and my sisters will also be moving to another house a nearer my sister’s school, but we’ll still be seeing each other everyday, so I’m not going to be given a chance to miss Elijah. Tee hee.

Moving out is tiring, I’ll help pack my mom’s stuff, naturally, but a change of scene is always welcome. And I really think we’ll like it better there. Plus Paulie will be forced to come home since Svet and I won’t have anyone else when we move. LOL.

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5 Responses

  1. I happened to bump into your website and it was a treat reading through it. I just started to be active again in blogging and not getting tired of it. And ohh! Good luck with the moving in to a new place. That is a lot of work but exciting too!

    I’ll be adding you to my blogroll if that is okay with you. Hope to talk to you more. :bleh:

  2. It is always exciting to move to a new house, pad or apartment. I’ve probably moved 4 times my whole life. First was back when I was only 12. 2nd time was when I moved to work in a bigger city after college. I’ve moved 3 times in this bigger city here. Always exciting to have new surroundings, new faces, and best of all a new place. 😀 Happy moving out day!

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