Sick Of Blogger Problems?

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints from friends who own a Blogger blog regarding glitches in the system, those that seriously affect their blogging routine. I still have a blog with said platform, but I maintain it mainly to keep up with the latest  improvements of the platform, since I still design templates for clients with Blogger blogs.

I have long been a fan of WordPress, as most of you might have realized by now based on my previous articles. As days pass, I discover more things about WP that make me love it even more, and the recent Blogger issues reaffirm my belief that I have made the right choice in choosing to host my main blog at WP. Learning WP may not be as easy as pie, but it sure beats experiencing the constant blogging headaches that Blogger gives its users.

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4 Responses

  1. hay naker andaming glitches tlga! since july to. kkalurkey na nga e.. hayz

    diba wp to? ung ibang wp di ko nkkta sa blogger reader ko bat eto nkkta ko?! hmmmm hihih

  2. Oh yeah…blogger is being a pain in the ass lately (sorry for that expression). Wish I could do something about it cause it gives me major headaches :question2:

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