Paying Your EON Annual Fee

You remember that when you opened an EON account from UnionBank, you had to pay Php350 for the annual fee, right? A year later (or to be precise, on the 15th of the month that you opened your account with them), the bank automatically deducts the annual fee from the available balance on your EON account. Y’all know how forgetful I am, and on the date that I am supposed to have at least Php350 on my account for payment, I had only around Php100. I remembered to check my account a week later after they have deducted the Php100 on my account, and decided to go to the bank to pay the remaining amount immediately, lest my card gets suspended or something.

The people at the UnionBank branch of Baguio along Session Road were very helpful. They told me not a lot of people bother paying the annual fee, which is why they were more than glad to accommodate me. I told them I cannot afford for my card to be closed (or whatever happens if you fail to pay the annual fee) because all of my money from work go through it. If not for my amnesia I would’ve paid it on the required date. I guess it would help if UnionBank sends an email or flashes a warning on our EON Cyber Account if the date of our annual fee payment is nearing. But I’m not blaming the bank. Entirely my fault.

So anyway. The manager of the bank told me to not stress about the balance of my annual fee. She said deduction of the fee is automatic, and will not happen again until the next year, so I just have to make sure next year to have sufficient amount in my card to pay both my annual fee by then and the balance of the annual fee I incurred this year. I asked her what about my card standing? She said not to worry about it, she has emailed the… whoever it is that she’s supposed to email regarding the matter, and that I shouldn’t worry about it, my card will still be active and available for use. Good. Great.

This is why I love my EON card.

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