Back To Work

We have been here since two days ago, but since I know I will not be able to get my momentum back immediately, we decided to stay at my mom’s for two days before actually going back here at our own house to face the workload waiting for us. So here we are, back in our small apartment, and I’m all ready to work. Svet has a cough owing to the sudden change in weather (it’s too cold in here already) and she had a deep cut in her arm which she got at the cemetery during my uncle’s cremation (also the main reason why we weren’t able to attend Sati’s party) but it’s healing pretty fast and she’s complaining less and less about it hurting during the night. My nephew El I think will be developing sore eyes in the next couple of days (which he got from my cousins in Bulacan who are mostly afflicted by it). Other than those the kids are fine.

We are back safe, that’s what’s important, and I’m ready again to work my butt off. At least, until the next vacation, which will happen again in about a month and a half. To those whose emails I haven’t answered, you will be getting a response from me within the day (if you haven’t received one already). I’m raring to finish the designs I left unfinished, and I hope to make pre-made ones when I fully get my groove back.

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