Early To Bed, Early To Rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Do I believe that? Well, it is a healthy way of doing things, yes. And I noticed I get a lot more done during my early morning work, so wealthier is true in a sense. And as for the wise aspect, I guess that means the brain functions more properly if you get enough sleep. As for me, I am a morning person now (I don’t know when I started becoming a morning person, one day I just realize that I am) and I admit my mind is at its peak after waking up. Like a fresh sponge ready to absorb tons of ideas.

I used to work at night, as most of my clients live on the other side of the world and that’s when they are awake. I am able to answer their emails immediately. I also get to grab some good writing opportunities at night because they are posted during that time. But I realized, what’s the sense of being a WAHM if I am not able to choose my working time? If I let my work dictate my work pattern? So that’s when I started sleeping early. And it’s good that I did. I feel better everyday, not unlike when I was working nights when I was always irritable. Good move, eh?

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2 Responses

  1. its true, you get a lot of things done when you wake up early. its a goal I have been practicing but keep failing at the same time. 😉

  2. my sister wakes up early though, everytime I stay at mom’s she wakes up late because of me, we usually stay up all night that is why 😀

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