I Love BlueHost!

But maybe you already know that. I think I have mentioned it about a gazillion times in this blog. The hosting site is like my new lover, someone I’m excited to be with everyday and get to know better. Like a dream office mate, someone whom I love to work with (and certainly would not spread ill rumor about me. LOL). I have convinced friends who are looking for a new hosting company to switch to Bluehost, that is how much I trust them to also take care of my friends’ blogging needs.

Some of them are apprehensive about moving, mainly because of the technicalities required of the decision. But hey, what are friends for right? I might be persuaded to help in the process for free. You just have to know exactly where to tickle. Hee hee. Or you just have to know me, period. I imagine a couple of friends wanting to swat me with a broom in the head for that. But of course I will also benefit from it. I’m not exactly the Good Samaritan. Haha!

Right now I heard that they have a promotion going on: Bluehost $3.95! That’s 50% cheaper than their normal rates. Great deal, right?

Want help with moving? You know where to reach me 🙂

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