Like Mother, Like Daughter

I am like my mom in many ways. We may not admit it, but our hearts and minds most of the time work in the same way. It may be the reason why we clashed a lot of times in the past, and why we get along together now. Complicated, right? But I guess that’s just me and my mom. Earlier I know I was just too stubborn to see that she was right, and that I was also thinking of the same thing but refuses to let her know that. Guess where I got my stubbornness from. That’s right. Mommy dearest.

What I didn’t get from her, is the physical side. I mean, a lot of people tell us we look alike (like sisters, even, which I don’t know if it’s flattering to her or an insult to me. LOL), and there’s no argument there. But she told me she has this tendency to retain pregnancy fats. So every time she gives birth, she gets a bit bigger. She’s lost some weight now, and she looks good for her age, although she says it’s still far from her slim body when she was still single.

Unlike me who’s been (and still is) stick thin all my life, even after giving birth to Svet. My younger sister, the one who gave birth a year earlier than I did, inherited that body characteristic. She’s always either on a diet or on the lookout for the best weight loss pills. But she’s far from being unhealthy. I guess she’s just not comfortable with her current weight which is why she wants to shed some of the extra pounds. Well, at least that means her husband does not allow her to go hungry. Hee hee.

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