Serial Password Changer

If you are a potential hacker and you knew how many times I change my passwords to my email, blog and other important accounts, you would be discouraged to pick me as a victim. I swear my password changing habits are getting more notorious by the day. Even I am getting frustrated by it. LOL. Like when we went down to Bulacan for a week, I was often asked “Did you forget your password?” by log-in pages. Of course I would forget them, given the number of times I change my passwords.

For someone so forgetful, this business is nasty. But hey, at least it keeps me from fretting over hackers and such. My online accounts are my life, what feeds my family, and I cannot afford to have them entered into without authorization from me. So my peace of mind, at the expense of trying to remember all the constantly new passwords I have. *sigh*. You really can’t have it all, can you?

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One Response

  1. i guess its really hard to constantly change your password. but as long as long changing it always keeps you safe from hackers, its alright. 🙂

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