Holiday Expenses

It’s so easy to get caught up in the holiday fever with all the sales and promos in and around shops. They can be really be hard to resist, all the discounts are rather appealing, especially if you’re not good at math like I am. LOL. It is not surprising that if even after all the bonuses, people still feel the need to secure a cash advance just to cover all expenses gained from buying gifts and other items for the holidays. I know that I would be the same, if I had money to spend. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) for me, I know where my cash limits lie and thus would not spend on anything other than what is absolutely necessary to get by.

I’m saying that I am not tempted to be extravagant this season. I am, after all, only human. But as I mentioned, if you’re a breadwinner like I am and you know exactly just how far your budget will stretch to, you can keep yourself in check when you’re tempted to buy stuff that you will probably regret purchasing later. Doing so will probably save you from having to pay a lot of loans when the New Year comes, and I believe an ideal way of greeting a new year is to do it without a lot of debts hanging over your shoulders.

Although, I realize that securing some loans might not be helped, especially if one has a small paycheck. We all know about the incredulous price tags of everything nowadays, and while it is correct that living within one’s means is the way to go, if you have a large family to at least feed decently during the holidays, where else would you go? Holidays might be a happy affair to most people, but for some, I know that it’s far from easy dealing with the expenses that come with it. Although of course, we also have to take in mind the most important thing of all: that the holidays are about spending time with your loved ones, with or without the money.

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One Response

  1. my mom complains about having a hard time budgeting during holidays. really, everything is expensive nowadays.=/

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