Thinking Ahead

Me and Paulie have talked about the possibility of owning our own transport. Not anytime soon though, but it’s included in our list of purchases. I have thought about the issue from time to time, and have even envisioned what car we would get (a family SUV, particularly a Ford Expedition), but Paulie, he’s another matter. He asked me the other day, “Where do you think we should get a good timing belt?” Of course my answer to that was nothing, with my mouth agape. I don’t even know what that belt is for, let alone where to get them.

Talk about thinking ahead, huh? There’s Paulie the thinker for you. Not that I don’t think, it’s just that he’s more (and I mean way more) particular to details than I am. It can be a good or a bad thing, depending on the situation. Sometimes it frustrates me that he thinks too much about an unimportant thing, or maybe that’s just me, and what he’s wasting his time on is actually essential. While I am still in the “what car color are we getting” level, he’s already in too deep.

Next thing you know he’ll be teaching me how to replace a failing water pump. Oh well. Typical male specie. Ever interested in vehicles. I wish when that actual time comes he’ll know enough to fix the car on his own when it breaks down. God knows how expensive car repair services are nowadays.

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