7 Things You Might (Not) Wanna Know About Me

I received the Stylish Blogger Award from Trish of The All-Around Mom. Yay! It was her first award ever, and I’m flattered that she thought of me as one of the recipients. Thanks Trish! With award comes rules, and this particular one has the following rules:

  1. Thank and link back the person who gave you this award.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Award 15 great bloggers you know.
  4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.

Seven useless things about moi:

  1. I am a fontaholic and my dream is to make my very own font someday.
  2. I loved my History teacher back at the univ to bits. Although all my other classmates do not feel the same way (she’s the epitome of a terror teacher).
  3. I suck big-time at photography.
  4. I love my city (Baguio) and wouldn’t trade it for any other place in the world (well, except for Rome and London).
  5. I started blogging at Friendster. I know. Eugh.
  6. I didn’t like any of my previous bosses much (save for one. Hi Sir Dale!)
  7. I would die for a pack of Fedhz’ polvoron right now. Well, actually, any time.

So there. Now you know more about me. I want to know more about you. So I’m tagging you who’s reading this. Yes. You. I’m not tagging fifteen. Get used to it. I usually don’t follow all the rules. LOL. Thanks again for the tag Trish!

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