How To: Connect Multiple PayPal Emails

I have three emails connected to my Paypal account at the moment. One for my writing earnings, one for my blog design earnings, and yet another one for miscellaneous purposes. I used to only have a single email, that for my blogging earnings, because then it was the only source of income that pays me through PayPal. Fast forward two years later and I realize that I need to organize the PayPal payments that I receive from different sources. I thought of opening a separate PayPal account but discovered that PayPal users are allowed to connect multiple emails to a single account. So I tried that, and it made tracking my earnings so much easier.

Now, if you’re like me who wants a little organization from her PayPal earnings, it’s quite simple to add multiple emails to your PayPal account. How?

  1. Log-in to your PayPal account.
  2. Hover on the Profile link and click Add/Edit email.
  3. Click Add
  4. Type in the email address that you want to use. You can connect up to eight (8) email addresses to a single PayPal account.
  5. Save and confirm your newly-added email address by going to that email and clicking the confirmation link as provided by PayPal.

That’s it! Another email will be sent by PayPal to your primary email address to inform you of the addition of a new email. I like how this feature gives me the ability to immediately know where the funds are coming from. If it’s from my old PayPal email, then it is from my blogging earnings. If it is from my newest PayPal email, then it is from a blog design client. Neat, right?

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