I used to be okay traveling on my own. Especially going to and from the office when I was still an office girl. I mean, I had no choice then. But preparing for the trip tomorrow made me realize I haven’t traveled alone since Paulie and Svet came. I wonder what I will do to pass the time. I’d like to bring a book with me to read while on the commute, but I know it will not be good for my eyes (and besides I don’t have anything new to read).
I can sleep through the eight hours (that’s how long it takes to get from here to where I’m headed), but I am not really comfortable sleeping on a vehicle when I am alone. That’s why nowadays as much as possible I travel with company or on a private vehicle if there is one available. I could then talk to the driver and sleep without any worries because I know I will be safe. Oh well. This is just one time. In two weeks when I head for home, Paulie and Svet will be with me and the long trip won’t be as bad.