Bloggerwave Payment Proof

I took a $4 job from Bloggerwave a while back to test if they are really paying. I submitted the article April 5, 2010, and got the payment on June 24, 2010. So that makes the waiting period two months and 19 days. The period is a lot longer than what most other pay to post sites offer, and in truth, I have almost forgotten that I was still waiting for the payment when it came. But I’m still glad that it did, and decided to take another two jobs from them (same amount per job, $4) to see if they would pay me the second time. I’ll keep you posted when I receive it, although I seriously have no idea when. The two screenshots below are taken from my Bloggerwave dashboard and Paypal account, proof of the jobs I taken, and the first payment I received from them. Just click for a better view.

Bloggerwave Dashboard

Bloggerwave Payment Proof

This is not to say that Bloggerwave is not a scam. I just want to share that the company paid me, albeit very late. I would still use caution in dealing with the company, and not take too many jobs from them, especially that their payment periods are not definite. Anyways, as mentioned, I will post a proof if and when they pay me again for the other two jobs I’ve taken. Wish me luck.

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3 Responses

  1. just wrote an entry for their opp just now. two entries but the same opp.
    do they really pay late? i am a member since 2009, but didn’t get anything from them. just remembered visiting them right now and surprised to see i have one available job waiting for me.
    anyway, hoping they really pay not too long…

    happy friday, k! :coffee:

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