Chaos Personified

I am unusually swamped with template orders right now, not that I am complaining. It means more income to feed my family, after all. It’s just that the house, which is normally cluttered when Paulie was here, is messier these days. I wasn’t sure if it could get any more disorderly than it already was, but now I’m certain, because it’s downright chaotic now.

With two rowdy toddlers under the roof and none of them old enough to be taught to clean up after themselves, I think we have an obvious reason. The amount of tidying up that needs to be done on a daily basis (and not only once, at that) negates the need for apidexin, as the energy that the task requires is like taking huge doses of it everyday, enough to burn whatever little fat my all too eager metabolism leaves behind my body.

I wish I have more hours in a day. Or better time management skills, at least.

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