Internet Marketing Ain’t Easy

Just like working from home isn’t for everyone, internet marketing (IM) is a venture that not everyone succeeds in. If it is, then we would all be internet marketers by now. I have tried IM (I used to believe I have the heart of a marketer), but I quickly realized that it isn’t for me, that it is not where my interests lie, which is why I ended up being a small-time blog designer instead. The level of patience that it requires is beyond my human abilities, I would have spontaneously combusted with frustration had I persisted.

Sure, there are a wealth of IM tools nowadays that you can use to help succeed at being an internet marketer like keyword spy, but I think, more than anything else, you need to have passion for IM in order to triumph over the hurdles of the field. When your heart is not set into something, it is impossible to get anywhere with it, even if you’re armed with the best software and are taught by the best people in IM. I guess the same goes for everything else in life. You simply cannot teach yourself to become passionate at something. Which just means that you have to find where your passion lies, and do what you can with it.

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