A Shift In Priorities

It comes with the motherhood territory. One day I was worrying about how to remove pimples, the next thing I know I am worrying about how to remove Svet in front of my computer. (I bought her a 32″ for nothing. She still likes to hog my desktop. I knew I should have bought my daughter her own laptop instead. *sigh*) It’s a huge shift in priorities. Although even before I became a mom I already am thinking more for others than for myself, this is still a huge change for me. I cannot even imagine buying something for myself first before indulging in Svet first. Sometimes I cannot even imagine buying something for myself period. Motherhood did me in, I swear. It has changed my whole outlook in life. In a good way, I’d like to think.

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2 Responses

  1. i think its too young to buy my daughter her own laptop, i just buy coloring books to divert her attention to simpler things for now.

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