Blog Hiatus

My uncle (mom’s oldest sibling) died last Sunday and we will go to Bulacan tomorrow to attend his interment on Thursday. We were set to go anyway because of Sati’s birthday, we will just be leaving here two days earlier because of the funeral. Me and my uncle were not that close, he lived in Cebu, after all, and I rarely see him. He went to Bulacan a couple of months for the treatment of his liver disease but it didn’t work out. He was rushed to the hospital on Sunday due to difficulty in breathing, and next thing we know, he’s passed away. Just like that. It’s a hard thing to accept, a death in the family, even though like I said, we weren’t close. I can only imagine how those he left behind, especially his wife and children, as well as my grandma, feel right now. My grandma is the type to go into hysteria over little things, so imagine her reaction when she learned her oldest died.

So anyway, I will be on blogging hiatus for almost a week and resume when we get back. I will still be able to post one or two articles depending on the need, but otherwise I won’t be able to sit down in front of a computer for a long time. Will miss y’all.

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One Response

  1. heard about it through your marces.. 🙁 last week, my mother’s younger sibling died and that was the day when I was about to attend the party in bam’s kawaii party. something inside me just told me not to go anywhere that day.

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