Dirty Thoughts

As much as I would love for this to be a sexy post, I must tell you dear readers that it isn’t. LOL. Disappointed?

The trouble with living in a house is that you can’t afford for it to go uncleaned for a long time, unless you are suicidal and want to endanger your health and hope that it kills you. What I’m saying is, cleaning is a household chore that is hated by many but has to be done nonetheless. Well, if you’re rich and can pay for house help, then good for you. But for the rest of us who have to toil to keep the house clean, it’s not exactly something we all look forward to doing. Especially if you have a toddler in the house, whose life mission seems to be to mess everything up as soon as you picked up that last piece of toy lying around.

As much as moms like to spend all day looking for perfect vacation packages for the family, housework is always beckoning. The comfort room that needs to be cleaned, the food that needs to be cooked, the dishes that are making its way to reaching the ceiling, the dirty clothes piling up. And yes, don’t forget the bills. Life, huh? But despite the work that needs to be done inside the home is the fact that we have a house to live in. Not all people can say that for themselves as not everyone can afford a roof over their heads. So consider yourself still lucky, if you have dirty thoughts to think everyday. Which reminds me, I need to go and clean the bathroom.

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One Response

  1. so true K. everyone hates living in a dirty house… this makes me want to move out and get a place of our own.

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