Hiding Behind The Cloak Of Anonymity

I have never felt the need to comment anonymously. Never in my entire blogging life have I commented without leaving my name, my email and my blog URL where the owner of the site can reach me should he/she have a violent reaction on the comment I just posted. I just don’t see the need for anonymity. Why would I? I’m not a cowardly person who would leave hateful comments on a blog and think I can get away with it by hiding behind an alias or a fake email/URL. And besides, if I don’t have anything good to say, I just shut up and choose not to leave a comment on the blog. Yes, I go by the if-you-have-nothing-nice-to-say-then-don’t-say-anything-at-all rule.

So it really boggles the mind why some people practice anonymous commenting so they can freely say what’s on their mind, most to the point of saying critical, malicious, and hateful tripe. I mean, why waste your time filling up a comment form just so you can rile the owner of the blog? I cannot believe people find satisfaction in that. And to think that they are only able to say that because they are confident the blog owner will not be able to track them down for confrontation. They are more than willing to attack, as long as they stay anonymous.


If you really think you’ve got something good to say and/or have the guts to stand up to it, make yourself known. Don’t snivel behind that cloak of anonymity.

Meanwhile, I’ll do what is within my power. Delete all anonymous comments without mercy.

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