An Old Work Gripe

My last stint as a web content writer was quite enjoyable. I learned a lot of things and was able to do develop my writing skills more (by coming up with articles that I absolutely have no clue about. hehe). Unfortunately, the work also entailed that I make videos for product promotion, which means thinking of a concept on how to best present the product, writing a script, looking for materials and my most hated part? Scouring the Internet for royalty free music for the video. This takes the most time, as I am not very good at matching music with the mood of the video. I have poor ears, honestly.

It’s easy enough to find royalty free music , there is a lot of that which you can purchase online, my problem is finding THE perfect background sound for the videos. I remember the last video I made, it was for a drum set, which meant I had to look for something with drums in it. I found the Reason drum kits perfect for that purpose, which I found at Audiobank, but it took me a lot of time to decide that it was the one. I had to dig through a lot of other sounds before I was able to finally decide.

Oh well. I hope the next job does not require me to do videos. It sucks, or more appropriately, I suck in doing it.

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34 Responses

  1. hello kaye! thanks for grabbing my buttons..

    by the way, where did you work as web content writer? i am looking for writing jobs ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. okay naman marce. at least nga nahasa ka sa writing mo diba? tiba tiba ka ngayon sa mga ghost writing gigs mo. hihi

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