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Older Posts

A Lot Of TV

Svet watches a lot of TV, definitely more than the average child’s TV time. Of course we see to it that she only watches educational

Thinking Ahead

Me and Paulie have talked about the possibility of owning our own transport. Not anytime soon though, but it’s included in our list of purchases.


Right now, at this exact point in my life, I can confidently say that am satisfied with everything that I have. I know I whine


Do you feel like SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a foreign language to you? Don’t feel bad. There are a lot of us like that.

The TV

A couple of months back, I was finally able to bring home Svet a bigger TV to watch all her Dora the Explorer episodes on.

Dirty Thoughts

As much as I would love for this to be a sexy post, I must tell you dear readers that it isn’t. LOL. Disappointed? The

Help Save Baby Ric Andrei

What is the sense of having the power to reach out to lots of people through blogging if you don’t put it to good use?

Designing WordPress Blogs

Some people have a lot of money. Some are heirs to large estates. These people, when they blog, have a lot of time at hand

My Work at Home Opportunity

My life as a WAHM has afforded me the opportunity to be near my kid all the time, do things on my own time, and


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