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Older Posts

Like Mother, Like Daughter

I am like my mom in many ways. We may not admit it, but our hearts and minds most of the time work in the

Serial Password Changer

If you are a potential hacker and you knew how many times I change my passwords to my email, blog and other important accounts, you


My mom’s and dad’s birthdays are only two days apart. Dad’s is on January 1, and mom’s is on the fourth. They celebrate separately, of

Early To Bed, Early To Rise

Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Do I believe that? Well, it is a healthy way of doing things, yes. And I noticed I


I want to learn how to drive, even if we don’t own a vehicle. The idea came to me last night while waiting to fall

Two New Domains

Actually, one is not so new since I purchased it more than a month ago. I think I told you already about my food blog.

Paper Bags

My dad makes awesome paper bags. He learned making them a couple of years back, but did not pursue doing it because he had no

No Cussing Please!

Svet is two years old and she knows two cuss words already: shit and what the fuck. There’s no one to blame but Paulie and

Four Major Expenses To Go

I made a list of things to buy before the year ends several months ago in the hopes that I accomplish crossing them off in

Back To Work

We have been here since two days ago, but since I know I will not be able to get my momentum back immediately, we decided

Sitting Pretty

As a work from home mom who sits in front of the computer for a huge chunk of the day, I know the importance of

Made For Cold

I realize every time we go here to Bulacan that I am not used to the hot, sticky weather anymore, not after living in our


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