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Bad Hair Day

My mom has wavy hair, and I inherited that from her. My hair has never been a part of me that I can brag about

Moving Out

In about two weeks, we will be transferring to another house. See, the one we live in now is a bit far from the main

A Lotta Rain

We went out today with plans of going to the park so that Svet and Elijah could play and so that we could do the

Blogsvertise Favoritism

This is me, sour graping. LOL. Yesterday, my sister Ayie (or Pibyang, as she signs all her comments) got four jobs from Blogsvertise, two $20

Sick Of Blogger Problems?

Lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of complaints from friends who own a Blogger blog regarding glitches in the system, those that seriously affect their

Images For Your Header

I don’t know if I can provide a proper tutorial for making a header, so the least I can do is tell you where I

Team Edward!

With all the Eclipse rage right now, I feel like I have to formally take a stand on who I favor more for Bella. Tee

Chaos Personified

I am unusually swamped with template orders right now, not that I am complaining. It means more income to feed my family, after all. It’s

Bloggerwave Payment Proof

I took a $4 job from Bloggerwave a while back to test if they are really paying. I submitted the article April 5, 2010, and

Tried Dating Online?

I haven’t, so I’m wondering how it goes. Not that I have any plans to, but I know there are a lot of single people

Miss Reading

Since I’ve done nothing but read during my two-week vacation, I’ve somehow gotten used to reading a new book at least every other day. Ever

I Did It!

Told you I’d get my hard drive to work again. Although I had to stretch my patience really, really thin for this one. And it


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