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Older Posts

To Give Or Not To Give

I promised I will make the blog makeover giveaway a monthly thing, but lately, I’ve been thinking a lot whether I should just make a

The Directionally Challenged

My internal compass hasn’t been working for as long as I can remember, unfortunately. I can’t tell where the north is, the south, the east

Should Ayie Blog?

My sister Ayie started a blog for my eight-month old nephew Elijah. I guess by now some of you have seen her (posing as Elijah)

When It’s Cold

What do you like doing? Okay, maybe doing nothing would be the top answer, but next to that, what would you prefer wasting spending your

The Hard Drive

If there is one thing that I would first save when there’s a fire, it would be my hard drive. It has a lot (and

I Love Adgitize (Even More)

Why? Main reason is that they actually care about their advertisers. My proof? My sites were down for four days, right? On the fourth day,

Won’t. Sleep. Now.

I should be putting on my night cream right now, ready for going to bed. Or maybe just go straight to bed, since I don’t

My E-Books And I

I used to have a love-hate relationship with my e-books (I think I’ve already said this on my other blog. Too lazy to look for

My Secret Dream

When I was little, I used to dream about being a cashier. Can you believe it? Me, a cashier??? Don’t get me wrong. It’s a


In less than two weeks, I will be meeting with some of my marces that I’ve never seen in person before. Does that make me

Contest Is Still Going On!

Hey all! Contest is still going on okay? You still have four more days to make your entries count for the raffle. I will post

Our House: A Big Board

That’s how Svet treats our house. Every writable surface is prone to her scribbles, even when she is given proper paper and is constantly reminded


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