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WordPress is Making me Feel Stupid

Seriously. You’d think with the frequency that I am changing my layout, it has been easy for me. Jeez. It hasn’t been, trust me. For a

I Survived The First Week

I mentioned at my other blog that I got me a forty-hour-a-week job. Well, after a week in it, I have to tell you how it’s

My Favorite Firefox Extensions

I have been a Firefox user for as long as I can remember. My reasons? It’s customizability and the nifty little extensions that the browser,

myLot: A Discussion Community That Pays

A little background here on what the frack I am talking about. myLot is an online community that pays you for starting discussions, posting responses or

New Look. Sorta.

Made a header tonight and I think it looks good on my site :blush: . Lately, I’ve been liking the brown and pink combination, only

My New Home

Yay! Finally got around to acquiring my own domain, after forty eight years :devil: What made me do it? There is an opportunity that I have


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