A Brand New Look

For my portfolio page, that is. After a couple of hours of tinkering with it, I was finally satisfied with how it looks. Before it was just a bunch of silly screenshots that will bore a looker to death with the length of the page. No wonder nobody wants to look at it. πŸ˜€ I had the NextGen Gallery plug-in installed for the longest time and was forever planning to make use of it but it was only yesterday when I looked at my portfolio and noticed how horrible it is to the eyes that I mustered enough interest to do something about it. Now it looks so clean and organized. 😎 I’m sure my OC marce Pehpot will approve of how organized it looks. πŸ˜† Dare to take a look? πŸ˜‰

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18 Responses

  1. love ’em all, K! great job! i hope i had a specific theme para makapagpagawa din ako sayo… eh kaso sabog ang blog eh. haha! ;p parang hindi naka display ata yung mga works mo for fedhz?

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