
My name is Kaye, and I’m a fontaholic. Ever since I started designing blogs, I’ve been fascinated with fonts because I like how they bring life to an otherwise dull design. I’ve been collecting lots of them and installing them in my computer and stalking font forums for the latest and most-sought after fonts on the web design field. I already have acquired the habit of identifying fonts on websites and print. I stop to look at signs and advertisements when we go out to see if I recognize a font that they used. I even sometimes dream of fonts. Seriously. Here are some of my current favorites, and I have in fact already included them in some of the designs I’ve made:

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5 Responses

  1. i love the fonts!!! you know marce, you are really blessed that you know and you can do great layouts 🙂 someday, when i get enough earnings from Chris Chronicles, I will request a blog makeover from you, better yet if I win at your contest!! ahhahah

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