A Rant In Vain

Paulie smokes and I’ve been trying to make him stop for the longest time. I think I have just about run out of things to motivate/scare him away from his bad habit. I have long stopped counting how many cigarettes he smokes in a day, and I even think it’s gotten worse ever since our new schedule (I work in the daytime and he draws his vectors all through the night) since there’s no one awake to stop him from going out every once in a while to smoke. That, coupled with his coffee- and soda drinking, is too frustrating for me.

If there were cigars stores nearby, he probably would be addicted to them, too. He gets easily addicted to stuff, I know. The only good that came out of our new schedule is that he has stopped playing too much Counter-Strike. Of course that’s not much of a consolation because he became more addicted to his other vices now. Auuggh. Discipline is not really one of his strong points and I know that I’m just ranting in vain because he doesn’t seem to be planning to quit anytime soon. *sigh*

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One Response

  1. aww, I smoke too K, but only when I am stressed. not that I am proud of it, its just that I think that it is not something that I am addicted too. once u are addicted, it is really hard to stop. 🙁

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