The Summer I First Worked

Not real work that pays big bucks, mind you. When I was still in elementary, my dad and I used to help at my aunt’s family business during summer vacations. They do yearbooks, school papers, calendar printing, as well as ribbon printing (the type given to students for special awards during the end of a term). That was a long time ago, and since we’re not so close to them, it’s been years since our last visit.

Their business is still running very well up to now. My uncle who owns the business died a few years back, but all things considered, business without my uncle’s supervision is still good. He did a great job training his kids at an early age to succeed him in the biz. Three of his six kids are now happily married, two of whom I sometimes talk to on Facebook. The eldest, Kuya Joel is the one who manages their printing business nowadays.

I have good memories of those summers. Each time we went home, my pocket is full of bills and coins which I earned from the odd job. I will happily buy something for myself and my younger sister Rikka, and me and my dad will repeat the same routine until summer is over and I have to go back to school again.

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5 Responses

  1. I remember also helping out when I was small in my Lola’s sari-sari store in Bicol during summer vacation. I remember being given not a money but a candy of my choice as my reward for helping out. I had lots of fun then 🙂

  2. I also had to do some odd works during summer Kaye, up to the point of putting political posters during election time:D and it was the highest paying summer job I had ever get:D

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