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Older Posts

Ready To Retire?

There are a lot of people already in the retirement age but still don’t know what to do about their life after decades of being

Got My PayPal Wishlist Reward

First off, PayPal Wishlist is a Facebook application that rewarded users who was able to invite friends with a PayPal account and created their own

The Green Police

Nope. They are not the environmentalists of the future, although the band name sounds like it. I learned of the group first when my cousin


My dad makes handbags/bags out of paper, and he has built quite a few loyal customers who come back for his cute and sturdy designs.

BIG Blogversary Contest!

Enough of the teasers already!!! The contest you have all been waiting for is finally here! Again, as mentioned so many times in the past,

100% Free Mousepad From Artscow!

Yep. You read it right. 100% free! This includes FREE shipping anywhere in the world! :yay: You just need a FREE account with, follow

It’s Prom Season!

Prom season is just around the corner! It is undoubtedly one of the highlights of high school life, and for those of us who have

The Beauty Of Filler Posts

Anyone who’s ever done paid blogging knows the importance of filler posts. Some of the legitimate pay per post sites today require that sponsored posts

Fun With Pictures

Pictures are worth a thousand words, and even for those who don’t like photos that much (like yours truly), these are a good way to

How To Add UnionBank Account in PayPal

You’ve already applied for an EON card after following the steps indicated here. You are already PayPal verified by reading these instructions. What is left

Paypal: How To Pay Without A Fee

Conducting a blogversary contest made me realize that there is a lot that people still need to know about PayPal and its services. One of

Masculinity And The Blue Pill

The drug sildenafil or sildenafil citrate, more popularly known as Viagra, is one of the most famous drugs worldwide. Everybody knows what it’s for, and


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