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Masculinity And The Blue Pill

The drug sildenafil or sildenafil citrate, more popularly known as Viagra, is one of the most famous drugs worldwide. Everybody knows what it’s for, and

The PayPal Verification Process

So you already own a brand spanking new EON card from UnionBank by dutifully following the steps indicated here. What now? If there is one

Do You Hear Wedding Bells?

I don’t. Haha! Well, at least, not for now. As some of you may know, me and Paulie are not yet married, and have no

No Playtime For This WAHM

I took a long break during the holidays, and now I am paying for it. :dazed: Not complaining (much) though. I need all the funds

My Location Lament

I learned today that my internet service provider (Smartbro, ladies and gentlemen) is offering a “Share-It” package for its subscribers. It includes up to 2mbps

To A Frugal New You

It’s the new year! And we all know what that means. Resolutions left and right. While most resolve to be healthier versions of themselves, a

How To Apply For An EON Card

This is a step-by-step of how you can apply for an EON card from UnionBank so that you can easily have your PayPal account verified

How To Downgrade Your Paypal Account

A while back, out of over-enthusiasm, I decided to upgrade my PayPal account to business. Well, kids, I tell you this. Don’t get too excited

Spreading The Holiday Love

I’m not really big on giving extravagant gifts, for the main reason that I have no money to spend on such presents 😆 and because

Watch Out! Spoiler!

Earlier this day we did the usual bi-weekly grocery shopping and followed my mom around town to go bargain-hunting and to buy stuff for my

GT: New Layout

No. This is not an entry for marce Niko’s weekly meme over at her blog. LOL. I know I’ve been missing out on a lot

Trying Not To Be Addicted

I’ve always been a fan of computer games, online and offline. I’ve been to a point where I even pay to play games online, I


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