Put An Email Subscription Widget On Your Sidebar

Thought I’d put up this tut for those who are new in the blogging business and have no idea what a feed is and how to let their readers subscribe to the blog feed through email using Google’s Feedburner. First, what is a blog feed? Simply put, it is a data format used for providing readers with frequently updated content from your blog (meaning from Wikipedia, of course. LOL). It is a simplified version of your blog, that is meant for easily syndicating (making it really easy for people to know about your latest entries) your site. Now that the basics are out of the way, let’s proceed to knowing how to put an email subscription widget on your sidebar using Feedburner:

  1. Log-in with your Google account at Feedburner.
  2. If you haven’t burned a feed yet, then burn one first before anything else. If you already have your feeds set up, choose the blog feed that you want to make the widget for and proceed to step 6.
  3. Enter the blog URL that you want to set up a feed for.
  4. Change the settings to your liking and click Next.
  5. Then click Skip directly to feed management on the following page.

  6. Hit the Publicize tab.
  7. Click the Email Subscriptions link on the left side of your screen.
  8. If the service is still inactive, click the Activate button.
  9. Copy and paste the code provided to the sidebar of your blog. You can also choose to put this on your post. Just make sure you’re in the HTML view when you paste the codes.

Viola! Your email subscription widget is now ready to go! Just make sure you always have fresh content so that your readers have something new to look forward to from your blog.

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15 Responses

  1. This post really helped me a lot..I have been looking for some instructions on how to put the widget on my blog…Thank you so much! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. i already have in my blog but i just want to make sure if i did it right, thanks for sharing its really helpful ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. ‘hope i can follow this and be able to have my own feedburner. i’m still trying to learn everything as a newbie. thanks for this. followed you, sis, ‘hope you’ll follow me back. Thanks in advance!

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