Knowing What Hyperactive Truly Means

When I was single, I constantly hear of moms complaining about their hyperactive tots taking away most of their energy reserved for the day. Of course I had no idea then how hyper a child can actually become, until my Svetlana turned two and a half. These days she bounces around the house like an Energizer Bunny, wreaking havoc as she goes. On top of that, she is a source of a continuous stream of mostly nonsensical jumble of words. I cannot imagine now the old (well, technically, younger) Svetlana who did nothing but look angel-like all day.

At the rate she is going, I will be needing my social security disability (or its equal for WAHMs) in the next several years. She’s so rowdy you’d think she was a boy. Even my nephew Elijah is very lady-like compared to her (and he can be quite energetic too if he likes). In the mornings when her dad is still asleep (he wakes up around lunch because he stays up all night drawing his vectors), I suffer from her persistent going up and down the stairs, afraid that she might fall and out of breath from fetching her. And no, like I mentioned before, our stair guard does no good. She would climb over them like a monkey, like there’s nothing in the way at all.

I just hope she mellows down as days pass. I know one year to be prim and proper is too much to hope for. I can only wish before she goes to school, she would only have half the rowdiness that she has now. Or I’ll be spending most of my time in the principal’s office.

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5 Responses

  1. LOL! I can *so* relate. My oldest (a girl) did a 180 in personality when she turned 3. WOWZA! Years later, my youngest decided he was a monkey before he could even walk. He’s 7 now and *still* has too my energy for my tender nerves!

  2. my Pia gets spanking most of the time because she is so hyper she doesn’t want to stop when she starts going around the place,wrecking things. she is one hyper 3 year old kid. =/

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