Distracted By Social Networking Sites? Make Time For Your Visits In Between Working

When you work from home, you’re faced with so many distractions, many of which come from your computer. While you’re, say, doing research on a product you want to sell or buy for your business, it can be tempting to visit sites like Pinterest and Twitter just to see what your friends are up to. However, if you do it while trying to work, it can easily become an obsession which becomes hard to shake off.

When you’re stuck with something like accounting, research or writing, it can be all too easy to stray over to Facebook to see if you’ve had any new friend requests or received an invite to your friend’s next big party. However, during your set working hours, it’s possible that you could make time for visiting your favourite websites while being able to get on with your work. What you could do is allocate breaks of around 10 or 15 minutes at the halfway point of mornings or afternoons, and use that time to check your favourite sites.

Knowing that you have that time to talk to your friends about what’s going on in your life or play poker, it means that your head is less likely to be swayed by the attractions of your favourite websites. You could even use your ‘internet time’ as a reward for not being distracted, but the thing is to try it first, and if it works, stick with it.

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