How To Use Google Web Fonts On The Thesis Theme

There are already built-in Google Web Fonts on Thesis (found under Thesis » Design Options » Fonts, Colors, and More!) aside from the web-safe fonts included in the theme. Below is a list of the fonts currently available for immediate use on your Thesis theme (fonts with G* are the Google API fonts):

Arial * | Arial Black * | Arial Narrow * | Cantarell G * | Cardo G * | Courier New * | Crimson Text G * | Droid Sans G * | Droid Sans Mono G * | Droid Serif G * | Georgia * | IM Fell DW Pica G * | IM Fell DW Pica SC G * | IM Fell Double Pica G * | IM Fell Double Pica SC G * | IM Fell English G * | IM Fell English SC G * | IM Fell French Canon G * | IM Fell French Canon SC G * | IM Fell Great Primer G * | IM Fell Great Primer SC G * | Inconsolata G * | Josefin Sans Std Light G * | Lobster G * | Molengo G * | Nobile G * | OFL Sorts Mill Boudy TT G * | Old Standard TT G * | Reenie Beanie G * | Tangerine G * | Times New Roman * | Trebuchet MS * | Verdana * | Vollkorn G * | Yanone Kaffeesatz G * | American Typewriter | Andale Mono | Baskerville | Bookman Old Style | Calibri | Cambria | Candara | Century Gothic | Century Schoolbook | Consolas | Constantia | Corbel | Franklin Gothic Medium | Garamond | Gils Sans | Helvetica | Hoefler Text | Lucida Bright | Lucida Grande | Palatino | Rockwell | Tahoma

However, Google Web Fonts offers hundreds of free, open-source fonts optimized for the web, one of which you might like to use but is not readily available for selection on your Thesis theme. So here’s a quick way to use a Google Web Font in your blog design as you please, without the use of a plugin:

  1. Pick your favorite font at Google Web Fonts and click on the Quick-use link.
  2. In the blue box (Step #3), choose @import from the tabs and copy the corresponding code.
  3. Paste the code anywhere in the custom.css file of your Thesis theme.
  4. Go back to the Google Web Fonts page and copy and paste the code from Step#4 into custom.css file, this time taking care to put it under the specific place where you want the font to apply.
  5. Refresh your blog page to see the changes.
Google Web Font Love Ya Like A Sister when applied to the post area

Easy as pie!

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